Assistant Professor-Plant Science Ethnic Studies | CSU – Cal Poly Pomona

Tenure-Track Faculty Position: Assistant Professor-Plant Science Ethnic Studies (Job no: 533325)
Department: Plant Science, CSU – Cal Poly Pomona
Description: The department of Plant Science at California State University, Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) is seeking a tenure-track faculty member in Plant Science-Ethnic Studies at the rank of Assistant Professor.

Specifically, the department seeks candidates whose specialization is in an approach to Plant Science with a specialized knowledge in one or more of the historically racialized groups that originally established Ethnic Studies: Indigenous People/s, African American, Latinx American, and/or Asian American communities. Areas of application related to Plant Science could include (in alphabetical order) agroecology, agronomy, crop ecology, environmental science, environmental toxicology, ethnobiology, ethnobotany, native plant ecology, urban/community agriculture, or a related field. Fields of expertise may include interdisciplinary training relevant to environmental justice, food justice, sustainable agriculture, and/or traditional ecological knowledge.

The new faculty member will be part of Cal Poly Pomona’s Faculty Cluster Hire (Ethnic Studies Affinity Group) to advance Ethnic Studies and an Inclusive Curriculum from different disciplinary and methodological vantage points. Faculty hired as part of this cluster will join an emerging and vibrant community of practice and can engage with the new and permanent Office of Interdisciplinary Ethnic Studies Teaching & Scholarship.

The successful candidate will have demonstrated potential for excellence in interdisciplinary undergraduate teaching that integrates Plant Science & Ethnic Studies, and mentor undergraduates and master’s students on research and community engagement service-learning projects. Teaching responsibilities will include general plant science courses with existing curriculum, and new undergraduate and graduate courses in the candidate’s area of expertise. The new faculty member will contribute to curriculum development, serve on department, college, and university committees, and engage in professional development activities. The teaching assignment is 3 courses fall semester/3 courses spring semester in the first two years and 4/4 in the years following, with course-reduction opportunities for research, service, and teaching initiatives.

Review of Applications begins February 5, 2024. Priority will be given to applicants who meet the screening deadline; however, the position will remain open until filled.
For complete details and to access the Cal Poly Pomona online application visit

Closes: Feb 4, 2024