Submit a Blog Post

AES Invites you to Blog for Us

AES will host a monthly blog and we invite you to consider submitting.

What kind of content do you accept?
The AES Blog seeks to highlight content related to: Ethnic Studies in K-12, the value of Ethnic Studies to the community, and why Ethnic Studies is needed in justice and equity related work. We welcome any content that is useful for supporting Ethnic Studies in the community and the academy, in the U.S. and globally. We are seeking content that is socially-functionally.

General Guidelines
Your post must be original and must have never been published before on the Internet.
Although we have no minimum length, we strongly recommend that your post be approximately 500 words for decent depth & detail.
The voice/tone should be accessible to a wide audience.
Accompanying image is optional. If you wish to provide an image to go with your blog post, it should be attributed (provide image source URL), at least 200×200 pixels, JPG or PNG format. Always seek permission is our motto!

Common Sense Guidelines
Use short paragraphs, subheadings, and/or bullet lists to break up your article.
Check your spelling & grammar.
Attribute any quoted/paraphrased info with links to the sources.

Author Bio Guidelines
Recommended length is 50-75 words.
You can include 1-2 links in the byline, which will be displayed at the bottom of the post.
Include a clear, closeup headshot of yourself, at least 100×100 pixels, JPG or PNG format.

Submission Guidelines
Email your blog post to with “guest post_title_Yourname for in the subject line. Include the post in the body of the email itself, or as a .doc attachment.
It may take up to 2 weeks before we respond to you. Even if we choose not to publish your blog post, you will get a response, explaining the reason.
If we publish your blog post, AES has full rights to the content, including but not limited to edit, mix, duplicate, use, or re-use it in whole or in part as it so chooses.